Compliance & Legal

Ethics Charts

Ethics Charts

At EVERAXIS, Integrity, Ethics, respect of Human Rights, conformity to International, local laws as well as to Internal Group rules are essential principles and core of the Group development.   

Acting in compliance with the highest standards of Ethics in the day-to-day business is also key to sustainability and EVERAXIS acts in compliance with, among others,French, US, Swedish labor laws, competition laws, anti-money-laundering laws, anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and environment laws. 

Code of Ethics and Business

The Code of Ethics provides information on applicable laws and rules to our businesses as well as guidelines, tips to all employees in order to help them to take the right decision.

The Code of Ethics is applicable to all companies and all employees of the Group no matter their level in the hierarchy – but not only. Each employee shall ensure that the values shared in our Code are known and respected by our commercial partners, customers, suppliers, service providers etc…

Whistleblowing Policy 

Giving employees the opportunity to report any breach of the law or of our business Ethics is the best means to respect Ethics values.