Quality is a key function at EVERAXIS, supporting the production activities of our four sites.
Working across all areas of our business and alongside all our functions, our Quality department drives a Quality and Safety culture throughout the organization, especially our manufacturing activities, from design, procurement and machining, to assembly and final delivery.
Quality Management Systems are implemented across all of our sites.
Our Quality professionals achieve and maintain all our required Quality accreditations. They ensure our business processes meet all Quality Systems, customer and regulatory requirements. They undertake root cause problem-solving to identify corrective and preventive actions.

Could you describe your position ?
I amISO and SHE Coordinator in Naples (USA). I am responsible for continuously reviewing, updating and improving our Quality Management System (QMS) by auditing all documents in the company (policies and procedures, work instructions, forms and lists).
EVERAXIS USA, Inc. is an AS9100D/ISO 9001 certified company. This means that we have been certified as specified by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO). AS 9100, the Aerospace Standard, is a widely adopted and standardized quality management system for the aerospace industry based on ISO 9001. We are annually audited according to this standard.
I also have the same responsibility for the Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) documents, First Articles, FAIRS and Special Processes (Plating). I work with external and internal Auditors in these areas as well.
What do you like about this role ?
I like everything. I like to organize and prepare documents that help our employees understand and follow the processes and procedures we have in place. I like helping all our employees understand our Quality Management System and our Quality Objectives. I also like working with all the different source inspectors and auditors that come from our customers and from our ISO requirements.
What do you like in working at Everaxis ?
I like the fact that EVERAXIS is a professional company. I like that we build products for the US Government, which allows me to work and interact with Source Inspectors, external auditors and our customers.