Coax Capsule Slip Ring
Coax Capsule Slip Rings are required wherever high frequency signals need to be transferred between stationary and rotating platforms. Their capsule structure guarantees higher protection rates.
What is a Coax Capsule Slip Ring?
Coax Capsule Slip Rings offer excellent transmission, high speed data rates, integrity and information security. They are used to enable rotation between coaxial cables. Radio frequency (RF) signals can thus be transmitted without interruption. The technology also provides optimal crosstalk attenuation between channels and optimized VSWR. High frequency signals can be analog (GHz) or digital (Giga bits).
Based on advanced gold-to-gold contact technology or on contactless solutions, operation is extremely reliable and almost maintenance-free, at least up to several hundred millions of rotations without component change or lubrication.
Coax Capsule Slip Rings can be combined with other types of rotary joints such as FORJ, hydraulic or hyper frequency.
Coax Capsule Slip Ring applications
Typical applications are communication systems such as radars, air trafic control, SATCOM antennas as well as high-end cameras.