

everaxis provides its custom integrated rotating systems to RAYTHEON LTAMD

Proud supplier for the U.S. Army’s LTAMDS with RAYTHEON

EVERAXIS recently partnered with Raytheon Technologies in the US to develop the first hypersonic defensive system, Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS).

What is a LTAMD ?

LTAMDS is a 360°, active electronically scanned array radar, which dramatically increases protection against advanced threats. Its next-generation Ghost Eye® sensor is the pioneer for a whole new family of sensors that excel at identifying a wider range of threats (crewed and uncrewed aircraft) from a greater distance and at higher speeds than was previously possible.

Everaxis is the Proud supplier of custom integrated rotating systems for the U.S. Army’s LTAMDS with RAYTHEON
Everaxis custom integrated rotating systems

About Raytheon

Raytheon has just delivered its first LTAMDS to the US Army, and six more are expected in 2022. LTAMDS is also attracting considerable interest from Air Defense Forces worldwide.

EVERAXIS is proud to equip Raytheon’s LTAMDS with its custom Integrated Rotating Systems.